Are you trying to figure out your future? Would you like to discover a career that interests you? Even if you’ve dropped out of high school or have other circumstances that you think might be holding you back, NCWorks NextGen Youth program can help! We help you find the skills and training that lead you into the workforce. We want you to be successful in a career and we offer guidance and opportunities to make that happen!

NCWorks NextGen  is a year-round program that helps eligible, low income, or high-risk youth, aged 16-24. We have both Employment and Education Opportunities. We work directly with young people, and also with parents of youth.

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Meet Anita Pacheo

When Anita was only a Junior in high school she became pregnant. Still she worked as hard as she could to try to stay on track and graduate with her classmates, continuing to balance the demands of motherhood with her schoolwork. But as senior year approached she found out she was still classified as a Junior. Learn how she never gave up and found another way to graduate.

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