The Gaston County NCWorks NextGen Youth program adheres strictly to North Carolina and Federal Work Laws that are in place to keep young people safe.

Below are examples of jobs that youth may perform based on age. These jobs can be found around the county. You will also find the laws pertaining to youth employment.

Ages 13 & younger
babysitting, delivering newspapers, acting or performing

Ages 14 & 15
working in an office, grocery store, retail store, restaurant, movie theater, or amusement park

Age 16 & 17
Any job that is not declared hazardous

Youth under age 18 cannot work in:
mining, logging, meatpacking, roofing, excavation, or demolition. They cannot drive a car or forklift, work with saws, explosives, radioactive materials or most powerful-driven machines.

Hours youth may work:

Under age 16 may work:
5 hours a day/ 18 hours a week during the school week
8 hours a day/ 40 hours a week during non-school weeks

All work must be performed 7am-7pm except between June 1 and Labor Day, when evening hours are extended to 9pm.

Over age 16 may work:
with no time restrictions on hours worked

Be sure you know all the rules governing youth work, as some rules may apply differently with certain jobs and among different states.

NC Dept. of Labor Youth Employment Rules