Gaston YouthWorks is now NextGen Youth Program!

Gaston Workforce Development Board is excited to announce the new rebranding of the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program, formerly YouthWorks. The NextGen Youth program is a year-round program for youth and young adults ages 16 to 24 who face barriers to employment. The NextGen Youth program provides services to help youth and young adults attain educational credentials, enhance their employability, gain college and work readiness skills, find permanent work, and much more!


  • Tutoring, study-skills training and dropout-prevention strategies
  • Alternative secondary school offerings
  • Work experiences including internships and job-shadowing
  • Occupational skills training
  • Education offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster
  • Leadership development opportunities
  • Supportive services such as transportation
  • Adult mentoring for at least 12 months
  • Follow-up services such as leadership- and career-development activities
  • Financial literacy education
  • Entrepreneurial skills training
  • Labor market and employment information about in-demand industry sectors or occupations available in the local area such as career-awareness, career-counseling and career-exploration services
  • Activities that help youth prepare for and transition to post-secondary education and training
  • Comprehensive guidance and counseling

To Learn more please contact a NextGen Youth Staff member at (704)-923-8410 today!

Your Future Starts Here

WSAT brings “EdgeFactor” to Gaston County Students and Parents for Advance Manufacturing Career Awareness March 23, 2017!

Area high school students and their parents received an introduction to advanced manufacturing career opportunities on Thursday, March 23, 2017. “Edge Factor” and local advanced manufacturers hosted the inaugural “Ignite Your Future: Introducing Students to Profitable Careers” event at Gaston College’s campus in Dallas on Thursday. The morning session was hosted for students and the evening session for students, parents, teachers and the community. Free pizza was served to registrants during check-in and a prize raffle closed the event.

The Workforce Solutions Action Team (WSAT) consist of Gaston County Schools, Gaston College, Gaston Regional Chamber, Gaston County Economic Development Commission, Gaston Workforce Development Board, Career Climb, NCWorks Career Center and a host of local businesses in Gaston County.

Filmmaker, public speaker and entrepreneur Jeremy Bout from “Edge Factor” presented a message that merges Hollywood visuals with cinematic storytelling. His company uses video and interactive resources to highlight innovation, teach career pathways in manufacturing, and make science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics relevant in today’s world. His presentation intends to inspire and motivate students and their families to “view manufacturing and career and technical education in a new light and help empower students to pursue these amazing pathways.”

“Together with Gaston County Schools, “Edge Factor” with the support from local advanced manufacturers, we are lighting a fire across this region and throughout the state of North Carolina, to inspire the next generation of makers to dream, to innovate, and to create,” said Bout. “This is your opportunity to discover extraordinary careers and unlock the incredible opportunities available in your community.”

Students will had the opportunity to learn about advanced manufacturing career opportunities and a chance to meet with representatives from local industries.

To raise awareness and encourage registration for the “Ignite Your Future” event, all 10 Gaston County High Schools began participating in a “Fight 4 Donuts” competition. Students, parents, families, and friends voted for doughnuts for their school! The school with the most votes won doughnuts for each student at the school.

Gaston County has 9,800 high school students, and over 34,000 votes were casted for doughnuts.

Congratulations’ goes to Hunter Huss High School for casting over 12,000 votes! The KK Cruiser delivered doughnuts to the Huskies on Friday morning!

NC Youth Summit–Making an Income and an Impact: Position Yourself for Success

The 11th NC Youth Summit. The NC Youth Summit Committee was held April 7-8, 2017. The NC Youth Summit is a conglomeration of North Carolina’s 23 Workforce Development Boards and is committed to the success of young adults. The NC Youth Summit provides young adults the opportunity to come together as “One Voice.”

Young Adults collaborate, learn from another, and exchange ideas on issues relating to workforce development in North Carolina. This year’s NC Youth Summit host was Dream Builder’s Communication, Inc. (DBC). With the theme of “Making an Income and an Impact: Position Yourself for Success,” it is the aim of Dream Builders Communication to provide an intellectually stimulating environment for young adults to network, learn, and grow together. This year’s theme broadly covered the power of measurable goals, self-worth, and communication. Young Adults learned strategies for understanding balance, commitment, responsibility, and maintaining success. Open-dialogue sessions and networking socials allowed participants to share ideas. This year’s conference provided the perfect fun-filled environment for young adults to establish frameworks to overcome the everyday challenges of life for long-term success.


Monthly Workshops presented by Gaston College YouthWorks

Encouraging Success in Youth and Young Adults

Monthly Workshops Designed for Participants Cover Many Topics:

  • Financial Literacy
  • Community Service
  • Coping with Stress
  • Interview Preparation
  • Leadership Development
  • Goal Setting
  • Communicating with Law Enforcement
  • Employment Retention
  • Self Defense
  • First Aid
  • Soft Skills:
    • Social Skills
    • Communication
    • Teamwork
    • Critical Thinking
    • Attitude
    • Planning and Organization
    • Media Etiquette

See anything you would like to learn more about?
Are you between the ages of 16 – 24?
Call Gaston College YouthWorks Today! 704-923-8410

Gaston College YouthWorks Program

Gaston College WIOA YouthWorks program is federally funded and designed to help young adults achieve their educational and employment goals. The program provides support and guidance to assist both in-school and out-of-school youth in obtaining their high school diplomas and to help those who have dropped out of school get their GED or Adult High School diploma. Youth are also provided assistance with acquiring the necessary skills, training and knowledge to obtain a job and advance in employment.

YouthWorks offers a variety of supportive services to help youth achieve both academic and career related goals which include: tutoring, occupational training, employability skills, work experience, career exploration, on-the-job training, post-secondary education, leadership development, employment and more. YouthWorks’ ultimate goal is to educate and prepare young adults for self-sufficiency in the worlds of work and life. Download Gaston College YouthWorks Recruitment Flyer.

Program Eligibility

  • Do you live in Gaston County?
  • Are you between the ages of 16 and 24?
  • Do you attend a Gaston County Public High School and need help or support in attaining your high school diploma?
  • Have you dropped out of school and need help obtaining your GED, or Adult High School Diploma?
  • Do you need help finding a job?
  • Do you need funding for occupational training?

If so, YOU may be eligible for the YouthWorks Program.

Free Services Include

  • Leadership Development
  • Work Readiness Skills
  • Job Referral/Placement
  • Career Coaching
  • On-the-Job Training (OJT)
  • Tutoring/Academic Support
  • Work Experiences
  • Community Referrals
  • Transportation
  • Service Opportunities

For more information contact Gaston College YouthWorks at 704-923-8410.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Program • An equal opportunity employer/program


YouthWorks Participant Achieves GED and Leadership Skills

Alexis enrolled in the Gaston College YouthWorks Program on January 21, 2016 with the goals of obtaining her high school diploma and getting a job. Alexis also had a dream of becoming a nurse one day and helping others as her grandparents had done for her. A few weeks after Alexis enrolled in YouthWorks, her world was turned upside down when her infant daughter began having severe seizures. Despite spending a great deal of time at the hospital and at doctor’s appointments, Alexis still managed to attend her GED classes and complete class assignments on time. Additionally, during this time Alexis also attended YouthWorks workshops, consistently meeting with her case manager, and readily volunteering for program related activities.

While taking part in YouthWorks, Alexis developed many attributes such as leadership, communication, teamwork, problem solving and decision making. In fact, during monthly group workshops, Alexis’ leadership and teamwork abilities were often displayed, and her fellow YouthWorks participants respected her opinion and direction. Alexis was engaged in the program and intent upon maximizing her involvement and gaining as much knowledge and information as feasible. She was often the first person to sign up for workshops and other program opportunities, and when the opportunity presented itself to represent YouthWorks at the NC Youth Summit in 2016, she capitalized on it.

Alexis is a true leader and it is displayed in her drive and determination to succeed. Her primary focus was to put herself in a stable position to financially support and take care of herself and her daughter, while also helping others. YouthWorks recognized Alexis’ commitment and desire to make her life better, and she was offered a Work Experience opportunity, as a clerical assistant, at the NCWorks Career Center East location in June 2016. Alexis seized this opportunity and while working full-time hours at the career center, Alexis continued to work diligently toward her goal of completing her GED. Consequently, Alexis exceled in her clerical assistant role and was consistent in her attendance and with work expectations.

As a result of her assiduousness, Alexis completed her HSE/GED on August 25, 2016 and received her diploma on March 24, 2017 at Gaston College’s Commencement Ceremony. Additionally, even though Alexis was in her Work Experience placement at the Career Center, she still made it a priority to meet with her YouthWorks’ Case Manager and Work Experience Specialist in order to prepare for unsubsidized employment. Alexis’ position with the career center ended on November 18, 2016, and on December 6, 2016 Alexis obtained full time employment with Holy Angels as a Direct Support Professional, which is in the path of her ultimate career field of nursing. Just as Alexis did with YouthWorks, she is also doing with Holy Angels in capitalizing on all training and learning opportunities that are afforded to her.

Alexis is very appreciative of the support and guidance she received from Gaston College YouthWorks, and she continues to offer the program assistance wherever she can. Subsequently, Alexis is pursuing her dream of one day becoming a nurse in the military, and she has now completed the ASVAB and plans to enlist in the Air Force in the latter part of 2017. Alexis is constantly pursuing ways to better herself, in addition to working toward a prosperous future for her and her daughter.

Meet Anita Pacheo

When Anita was only a Junior in high school she became pregnant. Still she worked as hard as she could to try to stay on track and graduate with her classmates. When her baby was born prematurely, and had to stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for two weeks, Anita still continued to try to balance the demands of motherhood with her schoolwork, but as senior year approached she found out she was still classified as a Junior, even after all her hard work. She was devasted, but instead of giving up she decided to find another way to complete high school. She got a tip from a Nurse from Nurse Family Partnership, about NCWorks NextGen program (formerly YouthWorks). Anita did not hesitate to enroll in the program, and connected with Gaston College to complete her Adult High School Diploma.

NCWorks NextGen program also assisted Anita with obtaining her first job through a Work Experience position. Again she got a life changing tip when one of the CST drivers who was transporting her to work told Anita about her other job as an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) Sparked with interest, Anita decided to pursue a career as a paramedic. The Gaston County WIOA program helped Anita by creating a pre-apprenticeship opportunity for her at Gaston Emergency Management Services (GEMS).

Anita is now working in her chosen career, and she’s receiving guidance, support and mentorship from experienced paramedics, while she pursues her degree at Gaston College.

Anita credits many caring adults for her success, including her mentors at GEMS, NCWorks NextGen, Gaston College, and the Workforce Development Board’s Business Service Representative.

Gaston YouthWorks Program Encourages Teen to Succeed

When Irma Palencia was only 9 years old, her mother passed away. Irma became separated from her siblings, and went to live with another family member. She experienced very unfortunate circumstances and faced difficulties that most young teenagers are not equipped to handle. Fortunately, when Irma was 16, she met a friend whose family made her welcome, and made her feel part of a safe and loving family. It was this new friend who eventually introduced her to the WIOA YouthWorks program. Irma enrolled in the program at Gaston College in January 2016 and established two goals: To obtain her Adult High School Diploma, and to gain employment. From the day she enrolled, Irma met all program expectations and participated in every opportunity she was offered. As a result of her tenacity, she received her Adult High School diploma on April 6, 2016. Prior to that, in March 2016, she earned a Silver Level Career Readiness Certification, entered a Work Experience, and also completed her Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which qualified her for a Pell Grant for post-secondary education.

Irma is now 19 years old and enrolled in the Pre-Nursing program at Gaston College. She is grateful for the support and encouragement she received from the College and YouthWorks.

“The YouthWorks program means a lot of things to me,” she said. “It means help, opportunity, and accomplishments. I never thought that I would be able to attend college until my friend Anita introduced me to Tammy McIntyre, a Youth Specialist at Gaston College, and my case manager. The staff of the Gaston College Life Skills department and YouthWorks encouraged me more. They gave me the support I needed. These are the type of people every parent would want around their children.”

Because of her commitment and accomplishments, Irma is the recipient of the 2016 Governor’s NCWorks Award of Distinction as the Outstanding Workforce Development Young Adult.